Use INC100 to Get your Domain for $100. Checkout at .inc

Free Tools
For Your Business

.inc domains tool suite allows you to find that perfect .inc domain name.
Get your clean and professional domain name now!

Use Our Tools
.inc means business
a successful business person

What to know about our
FREE tools for your business

If you're looking for a clean and professional domain name without having to slog through dozens of .coms just to find one that's available, then .inc is the way to go.

a checkmark in a circle
Unique and memorable brand identity
a checkmark in a circle
Multiple social media platforms
a checkmark in a circle
Quick, easy, and free!

.inc domain's tool suite allows you to find that perfect .inc domain name. One that will put your business on the map and help you establish a brand identity that customers will love. The tools can find you a name that is available across all social media platforms. They can also help you see social media mentions for brand names of your choice (to see if and how they are being used – and to monitor competitors).

With .inc domain's tool suite, you can create a unique and memorable brand identity that will help your business stand out from the crowd. The tools are free, safe, and easy to use, so why not give them a try today?

Select from the tools below to find your perfect .inc domain name. It's quick, easy, and free!

a business person managing sales

Our Current Free Tools Selection

Domain Name Generator

Having a hard time coming up with a domain name? We have your back! Come on in to find your next best domain name with our free Domain Name Generator.

Use the Domain Name Generator
Business woman using the Domain Name Generator tool from .inc domains.

How To Use These Tools

Choose the best name for your company

Track a number of important keywords for your brand across multiple social media platforms

Perform a social media audit

Conduct competitor research

Monitor mentions so you can react quickly

Understand your audience more deeply

Naming Your Company Or Brand

The art to finding the best name for your company or brand is to check several things at the same time.

a checkmark in a circle
Identify a company/brand name that perfectly describes you
a checkmark in a circle
Choose something memorable
a checkmark in a circle
Establish that the exact match domain is available
Business man using .inc domains tools to grow his business..
a checkmark in a circle
Establish that the vital social media handles for this company/brand name are available
a checkmark in a circle
Check our Domain Expiration Checker to stay on top of renewal dates and keep your domains secure and active.
a checkmark in a circle
Use our Domain Name Checker and find available domain names that are a perfect match for your business name.
Team using .inc domains tools to grow their business.